• Not at all! In fact, many parents enroll their child to help them gain a healthier grasp on their emotions and self control. Every aspect of physical training has a mental benefit attached to it, making each workout an opportunity to better learn respect, self-control, and when to fight as well as when not to and how not to.

  • Contrary to popular thought, you don’t have be in athletic shape in order to begin. The reverse is actually the case — the best way to work towards a more healthy body and lifestyle is to begin with a team that supports your growth. Whether injured or out of shape, your coaches are ready to meet you where you are currently and help guide you to where you want to be!

  • The Martial Art HEROES curriculum is comprised of American Kenpo, Krav Maga, and kickboxing. In effect, you get a comprehensive deep dive into the techniques and principles of a variety of martial arts. However, more important than the style taught is the coach teaching you. Even the best style becomes a useless study if you have the wrong coach for your interest and needs. Try a class and see what you think!

  • Whether you are an adult looking for methods to use in a life-or-death situation or a parent looking to help their child become bully-proof, our curriculum has been proven effective. There is no such thing as a perfect technique or guaranteed method, however the techniques and principles we will greatly increase your chances of survival.

  • Believe it or not, we are one of the rare martial art programs that has ZERO problems with sharing any and all information with you upfront. For info on prices (as well as other class info), you can click HERE!