Unlock your potential

(Future you will be thankful)!

Are you tired of the monotony of training in a gym by yourself? Come join us at Martial Art HEROES and discover a thrilling new way to get in shape and improve your mental health. Our classes for adults offer numerous physical benefits as well as an empowering group environment where you will uncover new levels of concentration, confidence, and discipline.

But don't just take the word of what’s on a website, sign up for a trial class and see the magic happen for yourself! Watch as your confidence soars, focus sharpens, and self-control strengthens. Claim your free trial and take the first step on your martial arts journey. 

Kickboxing Round Kick

high-energy martial arts classes taught by top pros

Whether you are old and injured or able-bodied and youthful, we are here to help you meet your goals. Your coaches are dedicated to your personal success.

Some students come to class wanting fitness, others want the ability to walk home safely and without fear, and others still are simply looking for a seriously fun activity.

We’ve got your back and are here for you.

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Reserve a spot for future openings in our classes

How we can help you









Mental health issues among adults have soared due to digital overload, the pandemic, and tragedies. Mental disorders can shorten your expected lifespan by 20 years, increase your risk of serious disease, and cause problems at home, work, and loved ones. Martial arts can help, with professionals recognizing its benefits in boosting mental health, including the release of dopamine (also known as the “happiness hormone”) and improved emotional control.

Obesity rates have tripled in the US in the past 30 years, with Georgia ranking eighth-highest in the country. It harms your physical and emotional health and raises the risk of serious health issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Also, obese individuals are likely to have limited mobility, which increases the risk of falls that lead to sprains and broken bones. Engaging activities that promote health are crucial for you and your life quality and longevity.

Loneliness is a major problem for 36% of Americans, causing negative physical and mental health outcomes such as heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. It can also lead to early mortality and increase the risk of issues like substance abuse and domestic abuse. Combat loneliness by participating in sports and activities that allow you to meet new people and improve your well-being. Surround yourself with a supportive peer group that is invested in your personal growth and success.

In Georgia, a violent crime takes place every 15 minutes and 26 seconds. With homicides in Atlanta on the rise for three consecutive years and the prevalence of crimes like murder and rape, it's more important than ever to defend yourself. Self-defense is about more than physical techniques and weapons though - it is necessary to be able to de-escalate situations, maintain awareness, and use your voice as a form of protection. Take control of your safety and join a martial arts class today.

Our classes target each of these concerns


  • Martial arts training is a powerful way for adults to improve strength, endurance, speed, and agility. This challenging and fun workout will push you to your limits, resulting in greater physical well-being and transferable ability to other activities.

  • Martial arts training helps adults improve strength, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination. Training provides a fun and challenging workout that greatly enhances physical health.

  • Martial arts training helps adults develop self-control, concentration, confidence, bravery, and self-respect. It is these attributes which leads to improved mental health, greater productivity, and a sense of fulfillment.

  • Martial arts training provides a sense of community and belonging through shared experiences and goals. Participants work together towards common goals and form strong bonds with their fellow classmates. The discipline and structure of martial arts also foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

  • Martial arts training equips adults with the skills and knowledge to defend themselves in potentially violent situations. Our classes teach techniques for physical self defense, as well as strategies for de-escalating verbal confrontations. With just a month of training, you'll feel safer and more self-assured.

Get Ready to See Your Life Transform!

Common Questions

(from adults like you)

  • Martial arts training provides discipline, focus, self-respect, self-defense skills, and a sense of community that traditional gym workouts do not. Though going to the gym to get swole is great (and a phenomenal addition to your workout routine), martial art training is a different experience offering a wider range of benefits.

  • Nope. Contrary to popular thought, you don’t have be in athletic shape in order to begin. The reverse is actually the case — the best way to work towards a more healthy body and lifestyle is to begin with a team that supports your growth. Whether injured or out of shape, your coaches are ready to meet you where you are currently and help guide you to where you want to be!

  • Not at all. It isn't uncommon for people to associate martial arts with aggression because they involve physical training and contact, but that's actually far from the truth. Martial art training is largely about self-control, discipline, and respect, important attributes which help you handle aggressive situations in a peaceful manner. Training also provides a sense of confidence and empowerment which will help you feel more prepared to handle difficult situations.

  • The Martial Art HEROES curriculum is comprised of Freestyle Karate, American Kenpo, Krav Maga, and Kickboxing. In effect, you get a comprehensive deep dive into the techniques and principles of a variety of martial arts. However, more important than the style taught is the coach teaching you. Even the best style becomes a useless study if you have the wrong coach for your interest and needs. Try a class and see what you think!

  • Whether you are an adult looking for methods to use in a life-or-death situation or a parent looking to help their child become bully-proof, our curriculum has been proven effective. There is no such thing as a perfect technique or guaranteed method, however the techniques and principles we will greatly increase your chances of survival.

  • Absolutely! In fact, we are currently offering a free trial—you can experience two classes at no-cost and no-commitment. To schedule, simply fill out the form below or give us a text/call at (470) 231-8255.

Interested in trying class for $19.95
