set your child up for success

(they’ll thank you later)!

Are you ready to watch your incredible child transform into a true ninja? Our martial arts program is specifically designed for children ages 8 to 12 and focuses on more than just physical skills. We also prioritize mental benefits such as concentration, self-discipline, and confidence.

But don't just take our word for it, sign up for a free trial and see the magic happen for yourself! Watch as your child's confidence soars, their focus sharpens, and their discipline strengthens.

Smiling karate girl

high-energy martial arts classes taught by top pros

With structured lessons and positive reinforcement, your child will have a blast learning martial arts while also developing essential life skills. Our experienced instructors will be there every step of the way, cheering on your child as they grow and improve.

now enrolling for Fall 2024 classes

now enrolling for Fall 2024 classes

How we can help your child









Mental health issues among children have soared due to digital overload, the pandemic, and school tragedies. Mental disorders can harm healthy development, causing problems at home, in school, and with friendships, as well as hinder learning. Martial arts can help, with professionals recognizing its benefits in boosting mental health, including the release of dopamine and improved emotional control.

Obesity rates have tripled in the US in the past 30 years, with Georgia ranking eighth-highest in the country. It harms children's physical and emotional health and raises the risk of serious health issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Worse, child obesity also increases the likelihood of lifelong obesity. Fun, engaging activities that promote health are crucial for children.

Bullying is a vicious problem in every school in the US and it is only getting worse. Many bullying incidents go unreported, with victims often feeling that staff do not adequately respond. In Georgia, 85% of victims feel this way. Bullying can occur anywhere - on the bus, the playground, after school - and its effects can be devastating and tragic. It is crucial that children are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to stand up to verbal, physical, and emotional abuse from others.

ADHD impacts every aspect of a child's life, including school and home. Without help, children with ADHD may struggle academically and with social interactions, and be prone to injuries due to impulsivity. Left unmanaged, the consequences of ADHD can be far-reaching and detrimental. However, martial arts can strengthen the brain's neural networks and improve attention span and motivation in kids with ADHD. With proper guidance, children with ADHD can excel.

Are they acting out in school?
Are they falling behind in school?
Are they eating healthy and staying active?
Do they have the confidence to try new experiences?

Our classes target each of these concerns



will develop:

  • Martial art training helps young children develop fine and gross motor skills by improving coordination, strength and flexibility, and hand-eye coordination. It involves a range of movements and exercises that engage children in a fun and challenging way.

  • Our classes help children develop discipline, focus, confidence, and respect. Martial art training involves learning and following rules, setting and working towards goals, and emphasizes respect for oneself and others. This helps children develop self-control, concentration, confidence, and strong character.

  • Martial arts training helps children develop strength, endurance, speed, and agility through physical exercises and drills. It provides a comprehensive physical workout and helps children improve reflexes and develop agile movements. These skills translate to other athletic activities and improve overall physical fitness.

  • Martial arts training helps children develop teamwork, communication, and respect through group training and a focus on respect. It provides opportunities to interact with others and make new friends, improving social skills. It’s not unusual for a shy child to break their shell and make many new friends after training for less than a month.

  • Our classes teach children self defense and bully prevention skills, such as how to defend themselves physically and diffusing verbal confrontations. It helps children feel more confident and empowered to handle difficult situations and stand up for themselves. After a month of training, your child—and you—will feel that they are safer than ever before!

Get Ready to See Your Child’s Life Transform!

  • Children are adept at modeling the behavior around them, both consciously and unconsciously. When parents show excitement, involvement, and consistently bring their child to training, their child takes notice, transforming martial arts training from a fun activity into an empowering habit. This is the key to setting children up for success in martial arts.

  • Not at all! In fact, many parents enroll their child to help them gain a healthier grasp on their emotions and self control. Every aspect of physical training has a mental benefit attached to it, making each workout an opportunity to better learn respect, self-control, and when to fight as well as when not to and how not to.

  • Our martial arts professionals are skilled at connecting with children of all ages and guiding them towards greatness. We offer classes grouped by age (5-7 years, 8-12 years, 13+ years) to provide the most valuable training experience possible for every child, each and every time they come to class.

  • Absolutely not! In fact, we've seen older grandparents start training alongside their young grandchildren and experience incredible bonding moments because of it. Martial arts training has numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits for adults of all ages.

  • Though any sport can be fun, our high-energy martial art classes also develop the necessary mental and emotional skills for a fulfilling life. Our classes help students perform better in school, be more responsible at home, become bully-proof, and so much more.

  • Absolutely! In fact, we are currently offering a free trial—your child can experience two classes at no-cost and no-commitment. To schedule, simply fill out the form below or give us a text/call at (470) 231-8255.

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